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Investment Management
Looking for some tendies
““Tendies” are what the cool kids are calling the big, windfall profits that you are supposed to make from your investments. Tendies are easy money and they roll in quick. At least, that is how the story is supposed to play out.” Brad Brain_ Looking for some tendies _ Alaska Highway News
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Meme stocks are not a sound investment philosophy
“Stocks may require some time to show a return on investment, but not stonks. And while stocks may involve some downside risk, that’s not the case for stonks. Stonks only go up. In other words, stonks are a fantasy. But stonks have become a meme. And, as thin as that is, nowadays people are investing…
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What makes for a good investment
“Folks, this is real simple. It comes down to this: If you pay to much for something, it’s real hard to make money. Doesn’t matter what it is. A stock, an apartment complex, Pokémon trading cards. Pay too much, and it’s hard to make money. The bottom line: A good business is difficult to live…
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How to spot an investment fraud
“Every year millions of dollars are lost to fraud in the province of British Columbia. It is probable, sooner or later, that somebody is going to try to rip you off. It might come as an email from someone you have never heard from, but it might also come over coffee from someone you know.”…
Also posted in All Columns, Money Management
It’s getting flaky out there
“I readily admit that I am a crypto cynic. In fact, in 2017 when bitcoin hit $9500, I shot a video saying that “when it comes to all this speculation on cryptocurrencies, you can unequivocally count me out.” Brad Brain_ It’s getting flaky out there _ Alaska Highway News
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The essence of Buffet
“I have a framed Buffett quote on my office wall. It reads, “To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.” Brad Brain_ The essence of…
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Are precious metals still precious?
“Precious metals, especially gold, have a reputation for being a hedge against inflation. This reputation, however, is difficult to support. Gold has had a surge lately, and there is a tendency to take recent results and extrapolate them. But the reality is that gold has a 200-year history of abysmal long-term returns, briefly punctuated by…
Also posted in All Columns, Risk Management
Invest as if…
“When Black Monday happened, the people that had a long enough time frame to wait it out until the recovery were probably fine. In fact, despite Black Monday, the American markets actually finished 1987 in positive territory. But anyone who held long-term investments with a short-term mindset might not have been able to stick around…
Also posted in All Columns, Risk Management
Maximize your TFSA
“There are so many wonderful things that you can do with a TFSA that go beyond simply a savings account paying 2%. Invest in products with long-term returns that exceed inflation. Utilize a tax-free withdrawal strategy to preserve income-tested government benefits. Buy a blue chip stock with a 5% dividend and set up a dividend…
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Check your reasoning
If you are thinking about making an investment because you think there is no time like the present, I agree with you. I don’t tryto time the markets, and if you have a long-term outlook there is little empirical reason to try. Investing when you have themoney to do so is a sound strategy. Brad…
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