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What does a financial planner do?
“I get it that financial planning might seem dull and unexciting to some. And I am not saying that you need to care about my own financial planning practice. But you should care about your own financial planning. Part of the issue is that a lot of people don’t really know what a financial planner…
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Paralysis by analysis
“It is the decision and commitment to start planning for the future that matters. The two bucks a month price difference is merely optimizing that decision. If you are prone to paralysis by analysis, then it might be time to stop overanalyzing two-dollar decisions and just get started.” Brad Brain_ Paralysis by analysis – Alaska…
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Financial literacy resources
“To be clear, my perspective on the value of professional financial advice is unwavering. But, for whatever reason, sometimes people are looking for other options. And there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that. If we were all the same then Ben and Jerry’s wouldn’t need to offer 60 flavours of ice cream.” Brad Brain_ Financial…
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It Ain’t What You Don’t Know
When it comes to personal finances there is a little more to it than simply we don’t know what we don’t know. As Mark Twain supposedly said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Brad Brain_ It ain’t what you don’t…
Also posted in All Columns, Money Management